Refinancing is a way to reduce the interest rate on your loan. If interest rates have decreased since you last borrowed money for your home, you may think about refinancing. There are other common reasons to refinance as well, like paying off a large lump sum payment, changing from a loan with an adjustable interest rate to a loan with a fixed interest rate, or getting cash from the equity in your home (called a cash-out). Some reasons people cash out equity include making home improvements, saving for education, and combining debts into one payment.

If you want to turn the equity in your home into money, you can consider getting a "home equity" loan. This type of loan is a good option if your current home loan has a low interest rate compared to current rates or if you have a penalty for paying off your loan early.


• Lower Your Interest Rate

• Get cash by leveraging the equity in your home to fund improvements and renovations.

Combine all your debts into one

• Pay less money each month

What You Need to Refinance:

• Present Evaluation and Analysis (Appraisal)

• Confirming and validating assets and income.

Type of Loan

When do you plan to purchase your home?

Home Description

Property Use

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Mac Mortgage, Inc. 2025

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